Traditia Friendship Regatta spune ca traseul cursei lungi trebuie sa fie in ape bulgaresti, cu oprire in unul din porturile Balchik sau Varna. Dificultatile de sincronizare ale calendarelor competitionale din Romania si Bulgaria au facut ca in 2024 acest lucru sa nu fie posibil. Speram ca in acest an sa reusim ceea ce traditia o impune, sa putem sa asiguram echipajelor o regata care sa beneficieze de conditiile provocatoare ale unei curse lungi si posibilitatea de a se relaxa in unul din porturile bulgaresti inainte sau dupa cursa lunga a regatei.
Friendship Regatta este a doua etapa din Cupa Romaniei Offshore si singura regatta din aceasta cupa care are programate curse pe parcursul a trei zile.
The tradition of the Friendship Regatta dictates that the long race course should take place in Bulgarian waters, with a stop in one of the ports of Balchik or Varna. However, scheduling difficulties between the competions calendars of Romania and Bulgaria made this impossible in 2024. We hope that this year we can fulfill the tradition and provide crews with a regatta that offers the challenging conditions of a long race, along with the opportunity to relax in one of the Bulgarian ports before or after the regatta’s long race.
The Friendship Regatta is the second stage of the Romanian Offshore Cup and the only regatta in this cup to feature races scheduled over three days.